
Posts Tagged ‘Minestrone Soup’

After a weekend of a lot of eating and entertaining it was time to get back on the Pilates Studio horse and work it all off. But as luck would have it, this Monday morning I got up and made it to the studio in the rain to find a locked door. No one was there… and no one showed up after about 10 minutes of waiting around.

While I was waiting I thought about getting how I planned to get a workout in today and possibly start the 14 Day Hallelujah Acres Eating Plan to lose this remaining 18lbs. before my June birthday. But as it turned out, the day was not going my way.

So, I turned around and headed home to get ready for the day. I made my breakfast of 1tsp of Barley Max Powder mixed with 4-8oz of Distilled Water.  Then I made my Mid Morning 8oz Juice of Carrot, Celery, Spinach which I drank on the road along with a premixed Barley Max.  I drank that mix 30 minutes before we made it to the Olive Garden for lunch, where I had my usual Italian Salad and Minestrone Soup. I decided to get another bowl of soup to take home and eat for lunch Tuesday.

We made it home just after 4pm and I grabbed the Bolthouse Farms Vedge Juice out the refrigerator for my Mid Afternoon 8oz Juice. I ran out of Carrots, and didn’t make it to the store to buy more… thank goodness I have this juice.

While I was drinking the Tomato Juice I started getting hungry, so I started making a dinner of Green Vegetable Salad and Roasted Vegetables. The vegetables at the house were getting old and wrinkled, so I had to do something with them.

Green Vegetable Salad:


Handful of Spinach Leaves

1/2Red Onion, Chopped

1Tomato, Diced

1Orange Bell Pepper, Chopped

2Cucumbers, Peeled & Chopped

Directions: Wash, Peel, Dice Vegetables and mix into bowl. Add Salad Dressing Balsamic Vinaigrette from Wish Bone.

Roasted Vegetables



1Yellow Squash

4 Red and Yellow Potatoes

1/2Red Onion

2Tbls Olive Oil



Dried Onion Flakes

Garlic Powder

Directions: Preheat Oven 450 degrees and Wash, Dice potatoes. Mix olive oil and seasonings and place them in a pan and roast. Once potatoes are tender, then add  Chopped vegetables and roast until tender and brown.

For an evening snack while I was watching Dancing with The Stars, I had a bowl of Stacy’s Pita Chips. I think I need to stop eating them, because I’m getting some soars in my mouth from all the salt.!!!!

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I started the day off with making my Mid Morning 8oz Juice of Carrot, Celery and Greens before I headed out to church.

I used Celery for Beets, because I had ran out and just used Green Leaf Lettuce for the Greens. I drank the Juice on my way to church and on my way home… and it was really good.

While I was out.. I made it a point to put together my grocery list and hit the Whole Foods and Giants for groceries. At Whole Foods, I picked up the Raw Apple Sauce I ate for lunch.

Mid Afternoon: it’s an 8oz Carrot Juice with Barley Max Powder. But unfortunately, my order has not come in yet… so it’s just Carrot Juice and maybe some Celery and Cucumber.

Dinner menu looks like this: Garden Salad and  Minestrone Soup. Looking forward to making dinner. 🙂

Sunday Menu Garden Salad

Sunday Menu Garden Salad

Garden Salad:


2Cups Romaine Lettuce

1/2Cup thinly Sliced Radishes

1 or 2 Green Leaves

1Cup Spinach Leaves

8 or 10 Cherry Tomatoes


Directions: Wash and dry veggies and tear lettuce and spinach into bite-size pieces. Slice radishes, slice onions, add cucumber and tomatoes. Top with desired dressing.

Sunday Menu Minestrone Soup

Sunday Menu Minestrone Soup

Minestrone Soup:


8Cups Vegetable Soup Stock

11/2Cup Garbonzo Beans

2Cups Red Kidney Beans

1/2Cup Carrots

3Medium Tomatoes

1/2Cup Fresh Parsley

Celtic Salt

1Cup Cabbage

1/2Cup Onion

1/2Cup Celery

1Clove Garlic

1/4Tsp Thyme

3/4Tsp Basil

1/4Tsp Oregano 

1/2Box of Spinach Noodles

Directions:  Peel and Dice Tomatoes. Cook and Drain Kidney and Garbanzo Beans(I used canned) . Mince Garlic and Parsely. Chop carrtos, onion, celery, cabbage and garlic and saute in water or soup stock over medium heat until the onion is translucent – about 5 minutes. Stir in kidney beans, garbanzo beans, diced tomatoes and minced herbs. Bring to a simmerm then turn heat down and simmer about 10 minutes. Stir in Parlsey and simmer with lid partially on for about 15 minutes or until cabbage is tender. As the soup cooks, it will thicken. Add more tomatoes or soup stock as needed. Serve over spinach noodles.

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To wind up my slacker eating habits.. Sunday I kept the food intake to a minimum, knowing what I was going to embark on Monday.

After I missed massed this Sunday morning.. the three of us went into D.C. for some history and to enjoy the day. I walked down Pennsylvania Ave along the white house lawn and was taken aback by the traditional beauty there. Then walked across the street to check out Jackson’s statue in the park.

We headed over to Virginia to Tysons Mall to check out the new movie “Date Night”. It was a blast…. love those two actors, Tina Fey and Steve Carrell.

Then afterwards, we headed over to Olive Garden Restaurant for my usual Minestrone Soup and Salad. I had one serving of each and was fully satisfied with it.

Then for a little dessert Sunday night I made a

Strawberry & Banana Smoothie

Strawberry & Banana Smoothie

Strawberry, Banana, Apple Smoothie:


1 Banana

6 Strawberries

1 Apple

Directions: Peel Banana and place into Vita-Mix. Wash and cut Strawberries and Apple… I peeled the  apple because that’s hot  I like to eat it. Mix all fruits and blend on Variable II, gradually moving power to 10 until desired consistancy.

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It keeps getting difficult to say no to sweets at the end of every meal. Especially when I start thinking oh, I worked out or did some physical activity to say it’s O.K. to the sweets.

Last night we went out to the Olive Garden Restaurant down in Port Orange. After visiting with my girlfriend at the Daytona Mall… she reminded me that the Port Orange Pavillion was open. Her husband was the engineering firm behind the project, so she got a tour of the place when it opened. So Mike and I decided to check it out.. and as luck would have it there was an Olive Garden.

I had my usual… Minestrone Soup and Salad with no Cheese. I did have ONE glass of wine for dinner too. But afterwards I was having a craving for something sweet… and ultimately denied my craving.

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I made a promise to myself, that I would eat only good raw foods. It’s been like a roller coaster ride since September 1st, 2009 when I initially made the decision. And looking at the calendar, it’s nearing my June 2nd goal date and I’m not losing anymore weight, in fact I’ve gained.

So, now it’s down to the wire to curb my spontaneous and bad eating style. Being back in Florida, I’ve been monitoring what and how much I’m eating.  My juicing is a staple two times a day and I’ve been taking my Barley Max once a day. I’m actually thinking of beefing that up to two times a day.

Since Tuesday, I’ve eaten Minestrone Soup and Salad at Olive Garden for lunch and then I made a Layered Vegetable Salad for dinner.  Wednesday I had lunch with Mike and his daughter at a pizza shop and of course I had Pizza with a twist. I asked for two slices of pizza with Onion, Broccoli, Mushrooms and NO CHEESE with a Greek Salad with NO CHEESE. s at Carrabba’s Restaurant where I had an Insalata Furilluci Salad with Grilled Eggplant, Roasted Red Bell Peppers, Olives with an Oil and Vinegar Dressing. I also ordered Rigatoni Martino with no meat and cheese (Mike and I shared that!).

Carrabba's Green Salad

Carrabba's Green Salad

Dinner wa

Layered Vegetable Salad

Layered Vegetable Salad

Thursday I ate the left over Layered Vegetable Salad for lunch and then it was back to another Carrabba’s Restaurant where I had the Insalata Furilluci for dinner and we ordered Bruchetta for appetizers. 



I have to admit, I did indulge with four pieces of bread and both evenings I had a small carafe of wine.:(

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I think there has been a turning point for me this week….in the way I am approaching food.  In the last couple of months, I’ve been struggling with my eating, how much I’m eating, what I’m eating and how it’s affecting my body and weight. So I think I’ve been able to muster some self-control.

One thing that’s really been a great help… is the Pilates. Regularly, I’m attending classes in the morning and it’s definitely making a difference. I’ve noticed more definition in my arms, legs, and even in my stomach. Which is great, because I have a wedding to go to this weekend and that’s going to make a difference.

Today (Friday), as I’ve been doing since we’ve been here in Potomac, M.D., I juiced some carrot, celery, apple and this time through in some Spinach. I read yesterday, that you get a lot of protein from Spinach and thought I was neglecting the green leafy food, so I threw it in the mix.

I was dropped off at the mall, while Mike had some meetings. While I was there, I got really hungry and Mike didn’t pick me up until after 3pm.

Cinnamon Dolce Frapuccino

So, my defenses were compromised and I ordered a Starbucks Grande Cinnamon Dolce Frapuccino.   The only saving grace for that miscalculation was Mike drank half of it!!!Veggie Spring RollBuddha Rice Bowl

 Then since neither one of us had lunch; we stopped into P.F. Changes for a late lunch/early dinner. I had two Spring Rolls, Buddha Rice Bowl with Brown Rice and a Glass of Riesling.


Infact, I’ve been having some pretty healthy and substantial meals while eating out this week. Last night we went to Olive Garden and I had the Minestrone Soup and Salad.

Minestrone Soup I did devour one Bread Stick and drank a Glass of White Wine. Then we went to a place called Moby Dick where I had a great tasting Veggie Wrap with Mushrooms, Alfalfa Sprouts, Onions, and Tomatoes on White Flat Bread.Mody Dick Veggie Wrap

Then we went to a Restaurant called Wildfire in the Tyson’s Mall for drinks, which turned into dinner. I did order 2 Glasses of White Wine and a Greek Salad after which I had some of Mike’s Cod Fish, Baked Potato and Asparagus.


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I had a scheduled Mammogram appointment this Thursday morning… and did it hurt. I do have to say though; it didn’t hurt as bad as it did last year. I asked the technician giving the Mammogram, do you think I could have lost weight in my breasts and that’s why it doesn’t hurt? And she replied, it could be! It just so happens; I did lose about 5 inches in my breasts!!!

Afterwards, I met up with my girl Robin at Panera Bread for lunch. I had my usual, Vegetable Soup and a Greek Salad with no Feta Cheese. This afternoon, I tried and Iced Green Tea and it was good. It tasted really sweet, so I’m wondering now just how much sugar was in that drink????

I came home to find Mike packing to drive up to Washington D.C. Friday EARLY morning. So it was all about packing and getting things ready. For dinner, I had some Minestrone Soup with some Naan Bread (White Flat Bread) and the bread is still weighing heavy on my tummy.!! 😦

This isn’t the best thing to do… because the longer the Juiced vegetable sits in it’s juiced state the less nutritious it is. But I don’t want to get up before 5am to Juice, so I pre juiced my vegetables tonight for the road tomorrow.

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I’m really lovin’ this walking every morning. It’s very invigorating. I’m noticing muscles forming and my body getting tighter. It’s not even hard anymore to wake up at 6:30 am or 7:30am to get dressed and hit the road, even with temps in the lower 40’s and 30’s.

The walking is great cardiovascular and it also helps clear my mind to remind me of what I need to do that day.  And Wednesday, I had a Dental Appointment to get my teeth cleaned. Afterwards, I decided to do a little grocery shopping to pick up some odds and ends to last me until Friday before we hit the road for D.C.

I stopped into a couple of little boutiques and bought some things for the house… and headed home for a Green Salad and Minestrone Soup Lunch. I finally finished off the Salad I made earlier in the week (because Mike doesn’t eat the salads I make!) and ate a bowl of My Minestrone Soup with Whole Wheat Bread Slices.

While I was eating, I had the chance to sit down and watch another Old movie on TMC Wednesday Afternoon. This one was a movie with Lucille Ball and Dezi Arnez. Right now, I can’t remember the name of it, but it also had James Mason in it. Cute movie.!!!

For dinner, I had the chance to make this White Bean Soup I had my eye on since the beginning of the week. I’ve wanted to make a soup with some beans in it, and the White Bean Soup sounded really good. I ended up using the White Beans in the Minestrone Soup and again for the White Bean Soup. Another bonus for this recipe was, that I realized I had frozen some Vegetable Soup Stock and needed to use it.

I warmed up the remaining slices of the Whole Wheat Bread and waited until Mike made his Cucumber, Tomato Salad with Lemon Dressing.

Cucumber Tomato w/Lemon Dressing

Cucumber Tomato Salad w/Lemon Dressing

Mike’s Cucumber, Tomato Salad w/Lemon Dressing:


4Small Cucumbers



4Garlic Cloves

Celtic Sea Salt


Wash, Peel and chop the Cucumbers and Tomatoes into a bowl. Cut half of a Lemon and squeeze onto the Salad. Mince Garlic Cloves and add Celtic Sea Salt to taste. Mix and Serve. 

White Bean Soup

White Bean Soup

White Bean Soup:


2Cups White Beans

2Cups Onions

1Cup Broccoli

1Cup Red Bell Pepper

1Cup Yellow Squash

2Cups Vegetable Soup Stock

Celtic Sea Salt

Basil, Oregano, Rosemary


Soak beans overnight and drain. Or drain beans from can, place in pot with soup stock and cook for 1 1/2hours if they are uncooked adding more soup stock or distilled water if needed. While beans are cooking, chop Onions, Broccoli, Squash, and Pepper. Add these vegetables, seasonings and Celtic Sea Salt to the beans and cook an additional hour.

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Apples & Bananas

Apples & Bananas

I couldn’t wait to wake up and go to Pilates this Monday morning… since I didn’t go all weekend and I ate Chocolate Dove Bars the night before!



It was a great work out at this morning’s Jump Board Pilates and my legs are definitely feeling the burn, even now.

After the workout, Mike and I got an early start on getting some errands done. We hit up the bank first and then it was off to the post office, where I check the P.O. Box. We drove all the way out to Virginia to drop off the dry cleaning and back tracked it to Tyson’s Mall area so we can get lunch. Mike likes to go to the Olive Garden Restaurant off Leesburg Pike in Tyson’s area.

I got my regular Minestrone Soup and Salad combination. I just love their Minestrone Soup, and today it was even better than the last time. Again, I indulged on two bread sticks during my fairly healthy meal. If only Olive Garden could switch to Whole Wheat Bread Sticks, that would be ideal for me!!!!

Robeks Smoothie

Berry Burst Smoothie

Later, I had a sweet tooth so we stopped off at Robeks for a smoothie. I got a Berry Burst Smoothie with an appetite suppressant boost. Yum Yum Yum!

We made it home just in time for Mike’s son to get home from school, and he had a little buddy with him. So I decided to cut up some Apples and Bananas and I made a side dish of Pita Chips and Hummus for the boys to snack on… and we’re still snacking on them. I’m not sure what’s for dinner.

Hummus & Pita Chips

Hummus & Pita Chips

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In an effort to be totally upright and in some to virtually no pain New Year’s Eve, I stayed in bed as much as possible Wednesday and then on Thursday…. I needed to pick up some things for our big night out to The Kennedy Center.

So, Mike had some business to do and I took his son shopping. He got some stuff and I got the stuff I wanted, we did some window-shopping. Amazingly enough, we had some fun together. We followed our big day up with a late lunch and early dinner at the Olive Garden. I got my usual Minestrone Soup and Salad. I did manage to eat three Bread Sticks. 😦

Later that night, while I retired to the bed and heating pad, Mike enticed me with some Sherbet…. which was great!!!! 

In an effort to be totally upright and in some to virtually no pain New Year’s Eve, I stayed in bed as much as possible Wednesday and then on Thursday…. I needed to pick up some things for our big night out to The Kennedy Center.

So, Mike had some business to do and I took his son shopping. He got some stuff and I got the stuff I wanted, we did some window-shopping. Amazingly enough, it turned out to be a very delightful day with his son, we had some fun together. We followed our big day up with a late lunch and early dinner at the Olive Garden. I got my usual Minestrone Soup and Salad. I did manage to eat three Bread Sticks. 😦

Later that night, while I retired to the bed and heating pad, Mike enticed me with some Sherbet…. which was great!!!!

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